About our company

Aces Fire Ltd is a company which specializes in providing total solutions for air sampling/detection applications and fire suppression systems. We provide a national service and are an independent company with no ties to a manufacturer or parent company.

The company was formed to meet the growing demand from customers who required a reliable and quality service at competitive prices. Our aim is to provide a "one stop shopping service" for all your fire suppression and air sampling requirements, reducing the usual time and costs involved with using different companies for various systems.

What we do

We provide a comprehensive range of fire services to businesses and any other organisations who require a quality service. We calculate our prices on the quality of our equipment and service we provide. We do not use inferior equipment or compete for the cheapest quote as we feel this would only result in an inferior service & unreliable equipment. Our company policy is to give the same high service to all customers, from blue chip companies to small retail units.

Our engineers are committed to giving a professional, friendly service & customer satisfaction is a high priority. All our engineers are professionally trained in fire engineering, are site qualified to enable a trouble free installation & each have a minimum of 8 years experience. We have full public, employers & indemnity/efficacy (wrongful advise & failure of systems to operate) insurance for your and our protection.